
The Feast of St Wilfrid of Hexham

Posts in the Copy Book for The Feast of St Wilfrid of Hexham

There are four posts for The Feast of St Wilfrid of Hexham in The Copy Book. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.


St Wilfrid and the Fishers of Men

Driven out of Northumbria, Bishop Wilfrid goes to the south coast and saves a kingdom from starvation.


St Wilfrid’s Debt

The Blessed Virgin Mary adds four years to the life of Bishop Wilfrid, and an angel suggests a suitable thank-you.


St Wilfrid and the Angel of Light

St Wilfrid finds comfort during his tussle with the King of Northumbria


St Wilfrid and the Sheriff’s Wife

St Wilfrid brings healing to the wife of his own gaoler.