Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Kings of Northumbria

Out of a restless alliance between two 6th century kingdoms came a civilisation that defined Englishness.



Scandinavian warrior Leif Ericson was sent to bring Christianity to Greenland, but accidentally discovered North America instead.


King Arthur’s Last Request

The legendary British warrior makes ready for his final journey, leaving Sir Bedivere with one last duty to perform.


The Last Days of Charles II

James calls Fr Huddleston to his brother’s deathbed, ready for a most delicate task.


Bellerophon and the Chimera

The wronged hero vanquishes a dreadful monster with the help of a winged horse, but then it all goes to his head.


‘God Tempers the Wind to the Shorn Lamb’

Mary Mason could not forgive herself for a past misdeed.