Clay Lane Blog

The Story of Miss

A stray cat helps the Red Army to baffle the advancing Nazis.

September 14 Saturday

The Story of Miss

I recently added this post, The Story of Miss.

It is my own version of events during the Second World War; the essential facts come originally from Soviet War News. It all happened as part of the blockade organised by Germany and Finland on Russia’s northwest from the summer of 1941, when the USSR joined the British Empire’s resistance to Nazi Germany (the USA was still neutral at this point). The star of the story is a stray cat.



Join each group of ideas together into one sentence, in at least two different ways.

1 The Russians erected telephone lines. The Germans shot them down. This happened repeatedly.

2 They tried to bury the lines. The ground was stony. They could not dig.

3 Nikolai saw a manhole. He thought of the water mains. He imagined using them for the wires.