Clay Lane Blog

Ministerial Myopia

We all want our politicians to be clever men, but being cunning isn’t the same as being wise.

October 15

Ministerial Myopia

I recently added this post, Ministerial Myopia.

The passage is taken from The Idea of a Patriot King, written by Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, for the benefit of Frederick, Prince of Wales, heir apparent of George II. Bolingbroke contrasts two kinds of politician, the wise and the merely cunning, likening them to the man with sound eyesight and the man who is helplessly short-sighted.

The passage was included in Clay’s Advanced English Exercises (1939). He invited pupils to comment on the merits and defects of calling it ‘The Differences Between Wisdom and Cunning’ and ‘A Wise Minister’. What do you think of these titles, and what title would you give it?
