
Proverbial Wisdom

Express the idea behind each of these proverbs using different words as much as you can.

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The sayings in this puzzle are taken randomly from a list of 750 proverbial sayings.

Note: Many of these proverbs and quotations are in archaic English, and neither grammar nor spelling has been modernised.

1. More haste than good speed makes many fare the worse.

Anonymous (1569-1570)

The Marriage of Wit and Science (Wit), Act IV, Sc. I

2. An open foe may prove a curse,
But a pretended friend is worse.

John Gay (1685-1732)

Fables, Pt I, Fable XVII

3. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.

Thomas Gray (1716-1771)

Elegy in a Country Churchyard


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