
Orderic Vitalis

in The Copy Book

There are five posts in The Copy Book tagged Orderic Vitalis. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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One Vast Heap of Booty

Embarrassed by the behaviour of his Norman bishops and abbots, King William I asked monk Guitmond to come over and set an example.


England’s Lost Civilisation

Orderic Vitalis regrets the passing of a society far more refined and advanced than that which supplanted it.


Forgotten Melodies

When the Normans came in 1066 they deliberately destroyed English chant, the last survivor in Western Europe of a tradition five centuries old.


Rope Trick

When Ranulf Flambard, Bishop of Durham, became the Tower of London’s first prisoner he did not intend making a long stay.


Welcome to Micklegarth

After the Norman Conquest, thousands of disappointed Englishmen departed for a new life in the Byzantine world.