
Passages from the Authorized Version

in The Copy Book

There are eleven posts in The Copy Book tagged Passages from the Authorized Version. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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When Rhoda, maid to John Mark and his mother, said Peter was standing at the gate, nobody in the house believed her.


The Parable of the Talents

Three servants are engaged to invest their master’s money in the markets.


The Woman Taken in Adultery

The Pharisees conspire to put Jesus in a seemingly impossible situation, by inviting him to take sides in the bitter politics of Jew and Roman.


The Lord Is My Shepherd

King David expresses his trust in God in terms remembered from his years as a shepherd boy.


The Annunciation to Mary

An angel appeared to Mary in her home in Nazareth, and offered her the chance to be part of nothing less than the reopening of the doors of Paradise.


The Sacrifice of Isaac

Abraham invites his son Isaac to accompany him to a nearby mountain to offer sacrifice, and the boy is naturally curious to know what gift his father proposes to offer.