
Foreign Views of England

in The Copy Book

There are eleven posts in The Copy Book tagged Foreign Views of England. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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A Day in Georgian London

A foreign tourist writes home with an account of a day in the life of a typical London gentleman.


An Excellent Performance

On a visit to England in 1599, Swiss doctor Thomas Platter found time to pop across the Thames and take in a show.


Three Criminal Types

Karl Philipp Moritz described three kinds of criminal in Georgian England, from the gentlemanly cutpurse to the deadly footpad.


Pillars of Justice

A witness appeared before a Calcutta court, only to find that judge and learned counsel were determined to discredit her.


A Shabby Suit

When he left Calcutta in February 1799 for a tour of Europe, Abu Taleb Khan scarcely expected to spend so much of his time in England trying to keep out of the courts.


Better than a Play

During his tour of England in 1782, Karl Philipp Moritz dropped in on the House of Commons, and thought the histrionics in the Chamber better than any play.