Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Guns and Chaldrons

In 1770, agriculturist Arthur Young published his diary of a six-month tour of the north of England, which included a visit to the coalfields and ironworks of the Tyne.


A Precious Gift

In 1807, the Government in Canada urged the leaders of the Five Nations to join with them in a medical revolution.


Traveller’s Check

A much-travelled Spanish visitor amazes an English audience with his tales of wonder overseas, until he is brought up short by his servant.


When Godric Sang with Angels

On Easter night, monk Reginald woke from a doze to find the aged hermit Godric singing lustily.


The Candidate

William Cowper’s peace was shattered by the arrival of a Parliamentary candidate doorstepping his Buckinghamshire constituents.


A Kitten’s Jest

In ‘Familiarity Dangerous,’ poet William Cowper tells a little tale warning that if you join in the game you play by the rules.