
Extracts from Literature

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The British Constitution

Keeping the Colonies

Peoples of another culture or region will not long tolerate a Government that uses guns and soldiers to secure their obedience.

William Cobbett

Mrs Lock’s Radical Ride

William Cobbett was delighted with one young woman’s protest against Mr Pitt’s ingenious ways of raising money.

Liberty and Prosperity

Private Prudence, Public Folly

Adam Smith contrasted the Government’s handling of the national economy with the way most families handled theirs.

Free Trade and Markets

Free Trade is Fair Trade

Thorold Rogers looks at how Governments have tried to make trade ‘fair’, and concludes that they would have been better ensuring it was free.

Scandinavian History

Vige, the Viking’s Dog

Vige was the inseparable companion of swashbuckling Viking warlord Olaf Tryggvason, who picked him up in Ireland.

Mediaeval History

Fair and Loving Words

On the night when Edward IV won his crown back from Henry VI, he had to decide how to deal with those who had still been backing Henry during the day.