
Extracts from Literature

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Extracts from Literature

The Blessing of Disguise

A mysterious knight and an equally mysterious outlaw agree to preserve one another’s incognito.

Liberty and Prosperity

Honourable Mr Fox

The colourful Foreign Secretary humbly accepted a lesson in manners from a local tradesman.

Extracts from Literature

Mr Ivery Gets Away

Richard Hannay tracks a German spy down to a French château, but Hannay’s sense of fair play gives his enemy a chance.

Lives of the Saints

Undoubting Thomas

Abbot Elfric praised St Thomas for demanding hard evidence for the resurrection.

Cat Stories

Pangur Bán

A 9th century Irish monk scribbled some verses about a beloved cat into his copy book.

Lives of the Saints

Tamed by Wisdom, Freed by Grace

Abbot Elfric expounds a Palm Sunday text to explain how Christianity combines orderly behaviour with intelligent and genuine liberty.