
Extracts from Literature

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Sport and Sportsmen

A Many-Chorded Lyre

Stylish batting in cricket is about variety, invention and frankly anything that works, and we have Dr W.G. Grace to thank for it.

Sport and Sportsmen


The great British public leaves a German tourist speechless during a county match at the Oval in London.

Cat Stories

The Convert

Victorian cat-lover Harrison Weir launches into his favourite subject, but finds his audience growing restive.

Character and Conduct

A Very Special Correspondent

Pauline de Meulan’s magazine Publiciste was close to going out of business when an anonymous contributor stepped in.

Extracts from Literature

A Curious Incident

Sherlock Holmes has been engaged to find a missing thoroughbred, but seems more interested in some lame sheep and an idle dog.

Character and Conduct

Dr Johnson and the Critic’s Ambush

A literary man tries to trick Samuel Johnson into an honest opinion, which was neither necessary nor very rewarding.