Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Blaze of Truth and Liberty

Macaulay recalled an Italian fable about a fairy doomed every now and then to take the form of a snake, and drew from her a lesson about Liberty.


‘London Was, but Is No More!’

The day after the Great Fire of London finally burned itself out, John Evelyn walked through the charred streets.


Unrivalled Grace

Sir Henry Craik had heard such glowing reports of Agra’s Taj Mahal, that he was afraid it might prove to be an anticlimax.


Imperfect Government

Politicians who demand that everyone in the country unite behind their vision of society are standing in the way of real progress.


Land of Opportunity

Edward III enticed over-regulated Dutch textile workers across the Channel with the promise of English beef and English beauties.


The Woman in White

Walter Hartright tried to help a distressed woman find her way into London, but the incident has left him with nagging doubts.