
Tales from the Bible

Tales from the Bible, including the parables of Jesus and the story of Esther.

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The Sunday of Palms and Willows

For centuries, northern countries from Russia to England have laid the catkins of the willow tree before Jesus as he enters Jerusalem.


Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve are set in a Garden of carefree delight, but the Snake swears they are victims of a cruel deception.


Elisha and the Fiery Horsemen

The King of Syria goes on a mole-hunt, but Elisha does not seem to mind being his prime suspect.


The Man Born Blind

A man born blind is healed by Jesus, but finds himself a social outcast as a result.


Elisha and Naaman the Syrian

Naaman had very fixed ideas about what it takes to get a miracle.


Noah’s Flood

God’s love proved to be bigger and stronger than all man’s wickedness.