Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Lord Great Novgorod

The city of Great Novgorod in Russia was a mediaeval pioneer of a decidedly rumbustious kind of parliamentary democracy.


Mistress Liberty

Lord Halifax tacks gratefully into the Winds of Liberty, though he trims his sails to avoid being blown into republicanism.


Dominion and Liberty

Following the Restoration of King Charles II, the country charted a well-planned course between the extremes of civil licence and Government control.


Scylla and Charybdis

After safely negotiating the alluring Sirens, Odysseus and his crew must now decide which of Scylla and Charybdis would do the least damage.


Odysseus and the Sirens

Armed with a length of stout cord and a large ball of wax, Odysseus and his crew prepare to face the music of the Sirens.


Interview with a Shepherd

After getting lost on a woodland walk and spraining his ankle, Samuel Pepys felt amply compensated when he stumbled across a flock of sheep.