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Classical History

An Execrable Crime

Marcus Furius Camillus knew he must make the Falisci submit to Rome, but the method one man proposed was more than he could stomach.

The British Constitution

A Coy and Humorous Dame

The English ‘Cato’ cautioned that sabre-rattling sanctions and other forms of coercion are never in the country’s economic interest.

Classical History

The Tragedy of Coriolanus

Roman statesman Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus was thrust out the City for his hardline politics, but he did not stay away for long.

Mediaeval History

The Harrying of the North

Charles Dickens laments William the Conqueror’s brutal rampage through rebellious Durham and Yorkshire.

Extracts from Literature

On His Blindness

At first, John Milton struggled to come to terms with the loss of his eyesight.

Norman Era

One Vast Heap of Booty

Embarrassed by the behaviour of his Norman bishops and abbots, King William I asked monk Guitmond to come over and set an example.