
Bible and Saints

Passages of history, wonder and spiritual counsel, drawn from the Bible and from the lives of the saints and martyrs, with a special attention to those of the British isles.

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‘Why Am I Still Lying Here?’

Cuthbert, struck down by plague, was vexed to find that his brethren had been praying for him all the previous night.


Bergen’s Blessings

In the days of Henry II, relations with our cross-Channel neighbours were fractious, but we were fast friends with the people of Norway.


Lord Great Novgorod

The city of Great Novgorod in Russia was a mediaeval pioneer of a decidedly rumbustious kind of parliamentary democracy.


Cuthbert’s Christmas

One Christmas Eve back in the twelfth century, a monk keeping midnight vigil in Lindisfarne priory watched spellbound as two great doors opened all by themselves.


Educating Martin

When Sir Rodbert became Brother Martin, he found the change so difficult that he began to wonder if even the saints were against him.


The Sacrifice of Isaac

Abraham invites his son Isaac to accompany him to a nearby mountain to offer sacrifice, and the boy is naturally curious to know what gift his father proposes to offer.