Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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‘Westward, Look, the Land Is Bright!’

Though Arthur Clough had discovered that to be your own man was a long and toilsome path, it was not a path without hope.


The King Who Would Not Turn His Back

When Richard I heard that the town of Verneuil in Normandy was under threat, he made a vow that few could be expected to take so literally.


An Unsuitable Job for a Bishop

Richard the Lionheart told Philip, the martial Bishop of Dreux, to decide whether he was a bishop or a knight.


The Lessons of Empire

The British Empire’s hostile breakup with India should have taught everyone two things: money cannot buy love, and power does not command respect.


The Verdict of History

Two of the Victorian Age’s most distinguished historians locked horns over the question of whether historians should be nice.


The Considerate Queen

When the young Aga Khan visited London in 1898 he was presented to Queen Victoria, and found her cultural sensitivity deeply touching.