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French Revolution

The Glorious First of June

Admiral Lord Howe battered a French fleet far out in the Atlantic, and helped prevent the spread of bloody revolution.

Sport and Sportsmen

Rebel Rugby

The Nazi-collaborating Vichy government in France paid Rugby League the supreme compliment: they banned it.

French History

Mathieu Martinel and the Fireworks

A firework display in Paris turned to tragedy in the narrow streets of the capital.

French History

Mathieu Martinel and the Drowning Soldier

A young French cavalry soldier took a tremendous risk to rescue a drowning man.

French History

Mathieu Martinel and the Blazing Barracks

The soldier went quite deliberately into a burning room full of gunpowder and ammunition.

Modern History

Jemima Fawr and the Last Invasion of Britain

French revolutionaries in a fleet of four ships attempted to spark a revolution in Britain.