
America and the US

Tales from our cousins to the West, telling of their independence from Britain, their bloody civil war, their runaway prosperity, and the slender thread by which it hangs.

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The Voyage of the ‘Mayflower’

A crackdown on dissent in England’s established Church drove a band of Nottinghamshire townspeople to seek new shores.


The Battle of Flamborough Head

When captain Richard Pearson of the Royal Navy surrendered to American revolutionary John Paul Jones, Jones naturally assumed that meant he had won.


The Pig-and-Potato War

In 1859, peaceful co-existence on the Canadian border was severely tested by a marauding pig.


The Boston Tea Party

In the time of King George III, Parliament forgot that its job was not to regulate the people, but to represent them.


The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

When Parliament sent the Army against American colonists, people still calling themselves ‘British’ had to decide very quickly what that meant to them.


The ‘Jay Treaty’

The Jay Treaty can be seen as the start of the ‘special relationship’ between Britain and America.