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Free Trade and Markets

The Petition of the Candlemakers

Frédéric Bastiat made a tongue-in-cheek appeal to the French government, asking them to protect candlemakers from a cut-throat competitor.

Free Trade and Markets

The Broken Window

Inspired by economists in Britain, Frédéric Bastiat explained to his own Government why their initiatives to boost the economy so often fail.

Anglo-Saxon Era

A Feast in Time of Slaughter

After winning the English crown at the Battle of Hastings, William of Normandy ensured everyone understood what kind of man their new King was.

Discovery and Invention

Observation, Analogy, Experiment

Sir Humphry Davy explains in simple terms what it is that leads to scientific progress.

Character and Conduct

Joseph Boruwlaski

William Burdon gives us a character sketch of his friend the ‘Count’, who did not let his small stature cramp his style or narrow his mind.

Character and Conduct

A Debt to a Hero

A veteran of the Battle of Salamanca in 1812 was boasting of his lieutenant’s bravery when his wife sprung some unwelcome news upon him.