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Liberty and Prosperity

A Stitch in Time

French economist Jean-Baptiste Say recalls a time when an ounce of prevention might have saved many pounds of cure.

Mediaeval History

Richard Unchained

A conspiracy of European monarchs sought to delay Richard the Lionheart’s homecoming long enough for John to steal his crown.

Mediaeval History

Duet for a Captive King

Legend tells how Richard the Lionheart’s favourite singer found where Leopold of Austria had stowed him.

Mediaeval History

The Disappearance of Arthur

In April 1203, a royal prince and heir vanished from Rouen at just the right moment for King John.

Cat Stories


A faithful feline bides his time until two criminals are brought to justice.

Mediaeval History

The Lion and the Ant

Richard I thought a veteran Crusader and conqueror of Saladin could handle a few French peasants.