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Roman Empire

The Foolish Emperor

Emperor Julian cast off his Christian upbringing to gain the favour of Rome’s pagan gods, but in the heat of battle they deserted him.

Indian History

Zenana Mission

Hannah Mullens describes her battle to reach out to wealthy Indian ladies with nothing to do, nothing to think about and nowhere to go.

Stuart Era

Something Rotten in the State of Denmark

When Ambassador Molesworth criticised the government of Christian V, the Danish king cried ‘off with his head!’.

Animal Stories

Watch Dog

The doorman of a Paris theatre had strict instructions to keep dogs outside, but it was the humans they let in who caused all the trouble.

International Relations

Naked Aggression

Richard Cobden told his audience in the London Tavern that however much sabre-rattling was heard in St Petersburg, the average Russian was a man of peace.

Tudor Era

Robin Recruits a Merry Man

It was George-a-Green’s job to stop animals trampling the crops, and it nettled his pride in Wakefield’s broad acres to see some ramblers behaving no better.