Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Elias Parish Alvars

Eli Parish of Teignmouth in Devon became one of Europe’s most celebrated virtuosos.


The Princess on the Pea

A fastidious prince felt he deserved a girl of royal refinement, and he certainly found one.


Dud Dudley

The 17th-century entrepreneur developed a way of smelting iron with coke rather than charcoal, but the Civil War frustrated his plans.


St Nicholas and the Golden Dowry

Nicholas used his inheritance to help three vulnerable girls escape a life of exploitation.


Are Women more faithful than Men?

A touchy subject, especially when your lover is listening in.


Fanny Comes Home

Fanny Price, eight years after being adopted by her wealthy uncle and aunt, has gone back home for the first time, full of anticipation.