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French History

The Horse and his Rider

Victor Hugo berates the general public for crediting everything they do themselves to their supposedly wonderful Government.

Helen Maria Williams

The Little Dog of Castiglione

Nothing seemed likely to stop Napoleon Bonaparte from conquering Europe, but one little fellow slowed him up a bit.

French History

‘The Empire is Peace!’

Guy de Maupassant reflects on the way that a statesman’s place in history has so often been defined not by deeds or character but by his one-liners.

Mediaeval History

Hugh Hammer-King

Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, was kind to children and animals but Kings merited firmer handling.

Cat Stories

A Common Duty

From the grateful solitude of his library in the Dordogne, Michel de Montaigne reflects on the companionship of his cat.

French Revolution

Costume Drama

When Lord Cochrane went to a fancy dress ball in Valetta, his costume nearly got him killed.