Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A Passion for Meddling

Richard Cobden questioned both the wisdom and the motives of politicians who intervene on foreign soil.


Left Holding the Baby

A gentleman travelling home from London by train reached his destination carrying more than he set out with.


An Aristocracy of Mere Wealth

Richard Cobden was not a little envious of the USA’s open and can-do society, but he did not covet her republicanism.


The Heron and the Crab

An ageing Heron finds himself a little too stiff to fish for himself, so he thinks of a way to get the fish to do it for him.


The Raven and the Snake

A harassed mother Raven vows bloody revenge on a venomous Snake, but the wily old Jackal has a better idea.


Economic Illiteracy

If Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli really wanted a better-educated public, he must tackle the high cost of living.