Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Lion of Piraeus

A marble statue in Venice bears witness to Europe’s long history of brave defeats and fruitless victories.


One False Step

Louisa Musgrove thought she had hit on a sure method of winning Captain Wentworth’s affections.


Mary Anning

A twelve-year-old girl from Lyme Regis made a historic discovery while selling seashells to tourists.


The Living Past

High above the roof of the Amazonian rainforest, Professor Challenger sees something that eerily reminds him of home.


Lost Innocence

In the fourth century, Britain’s Christians acquired a taste for watering down the mystery of their message.


Beginner’s Luck

As proof that ‘Providence protects children and idiots’, Mark Twain recalls his first taste of ten-pin bowling.