Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Equally Free

Sir Joshua Fitch urges Victorian society to let women make their own career choices – whatever they may be.


Brimstone and Treacle

Mrs Squeers has lost the school spoon, and is uncomfortably frank about its importance.


The Fact-Lovers

American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson saw the demand for hard evidence as a peculiarly English trait.


Dead Man Walking

Richard Hannay was finding life in London a little slow until a self-confessed dead man walked into his rooms.


Wellington’s Cook

The hero of Waterloo needed all his men to believe in him that day, but none believed in him more than his cook.


The Life-Giving Spring

An obscure officer in the Roman Army gains a dizzying promotion after performing a simple act of kindness.