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Mediaeval History

Ye’re Nae Smith!

A loyal Scotsman on the run from pro-English traitors disguised himself as a blacksmith’s apprentice, but soon gave himself away.

Thomas Medwin

Byron Swims the Hellespont

Byron felt compelled to set the record straight after it was alleged that he had swum the Hellespont the easy way.

Scandinavian History

‘I Have No Quarrel With Any Man’

Magnus, Earl of Orkney, disappointed King Magnus of Norway by refusing to get involved in somebody else’s war.

Lives of the Saints

St Mary of Egypt

Back in the 6th century, Mary was consumed by an addiction so compulsive that she would use and discard anyone to satisfy it.

Classical History

The Night Vesuvius Blew

Pliny was only about nine when his uncle left to go and help rescue the terrified townspeople of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Lives of the Saints

St John Damascene

John’s enduring influence is evident today in the rich sights and sounds of Christian liturgy.