
Extracts from Literature

in The Copy Book

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The Glow Worm and the Jackdaw

In this fable from India, a sly little insect teaches a jackdaw that all that glisters is not necessarily edible.


The Night Vesuvius Blew

Pliny was only about nine when his uncle left to go and help rescue the terrified townspeople of Pompeii and Herculaneum.


Body and Soul

John Wesley urged the medical profession (and his fellow clergy) to remember that drugs are not the answer to every sickness.


The Dog and the Water Lilies

William Cowper told Lady Hesketh about a walk beside the river at Olney, and the affecting behaviour of his spaniel Beau.


Desperate Measures

Sir Philip Francis told the House of Commons that it must not let ministers manufacture crises as an excuse for grabbing more power.


Heaven’s Harbour

The lives of men are like voyages across stormy seas, but we no longer have to sail them as if they were uncharted waters.