Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Criminal Justice

A man unjustly condemned to transportation finds that thieves thieve, but sometimes decency shines through too.


The Miracle of El Alamein

Under a moonlit sky in October 1942, Allied and Axis forces met in battle on the sands of the Egyptian desert.


The Tale of Rip van Winkle

A hen-pecked, ne’er-do-well farmer from New York took off into the Catskill Mountains, and fell in with some very odd company.


The Quiet Kingdom

James Tod brought order to Udaipur after years of turmoil, but not everyone appreciated him.


The Raja and the Ox-Cart

Vijay Singh, Raja of Jodhpur, was left to fend for himself after his army deserted him.


The War of the Austrian Succession

Prussia’s invasion of Silesia in 1740 plunged Europe into turmoil, and a French invasion of England became a very real threat.