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Russian History

The Great Northern War

Peter the Great wanted Russia to join the nations of Western Europe, but the nations of Western Europe refused to make room for him.

Liberty and Prosperity

By Wager of Battle

It began to look as if Abraham Thornton might go down for rape and murder, so his attorneys dug deep into their bag of legal tricks.

Free Speech and Conscience

Thank Heaven for Free Speech

The authors of the ‘Cato Letters’ recalled how Greek general Timoleon replied when the people he had saved from oppression turned and bit him.

Greek Myths

Lover’s Leap

Joseph Addison tells the legend of the great Greek poetess Sappho and the Lover’s Leap.

Georgian Era

How I Learnt to Write

Benjamin Franklin recalls the disciplines he put himself through on the way to becoming one of America’s literary giants.

Russian History

A Royal Rescue

Despite failing health, Peter the Great of Russia leapt into Kronstadt Bay to save some young sailors from a watery grave.