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Invitation to a Viking The interminable squabbling among the Slavic peoples around the southeast Baltic prompted their leaders to drastic action.
AD 862
Music: Alexander Glazunov

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848–1926) Source

About this picture …

‘Invitation to the Varangians’, by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848–1926). It shows that leading men of the Slavic peoples of the southeast Baltic region — northwest Russia today — meeting with the Viking warlord Rurik and his two brothers beside Lake Ladoga at what is now Staraya Ladoga. Rurik eventually settled some 100 miles south of here near what became the city of Great Novgorod, on a site by Lake Ilmen now known as Rurikovo Gorodische. From here, he wielded authority over much of what is now northwest Russia. Meanwhile, two captains of his army named Askold and Dir (not relatives of Rurik’s, we are told) set off south towards Constantinople, but on the way they turned aside and founded Kiev.

Invitation to a Viking
In 865, a large and unwelcome army of Vikings swept across the North Sea, but within sixty years Vikings and English had together established a new, united Kingdom of England. Just three years earlier, the squabbling Slavic peoples of the Baltic’s southeastern shores had actually invited the Vikings over, and within a generation the foundations of Russia had also been laid.
As given by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace

AT that time [859], as the southern Slavonians paid tribute to the Kozars,* so the Novgorodian Slavonians suffered from the attacks of the Variags.* For some time the Variags extracted tribute from the Novgorodian Slavonians and the neighbouring Finns; then the conquered tribes, by uniting their forces, drove out the foreigners. But among the Slavonians arose strong internal dissensions; the clans rose against each other.

Then, for the creation of order and safety, they resolved to call in princes from a foreign land. In the year 862 Slavonic legates went away beyond the sea to the Variag tribe called Rus, and said, ‘Our land is great and fruitful, but there is no order in it; come and reign and rule over us.’ Three brothers accepted this invitation, and appeared with their armed followers. The eldest of these, Rurik, settled in Novgorod;* the second, Sineus, at Byelo-ozero;* and the third, Truvor, in Isborsk.* From them our land is called Rus. After two years the brothers of Rurik died. He alone began to rule over the Novgorod district, and confided to his men the administration of the principal towns.

* The Khazars, a Turkic people that from roughly 650 to 965 controlled a vast Khanate in what is now Ukraine, southeast Russia and Kazakhstan, and extorted tribute from regions further north.

* Translator Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace has Englished a Russian plural Варяги (varyági), that is, Varangians or Vikings, inhabitants of the coasts of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea from lands that are now Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The word comes from Old Norse Væringjar, meaning ‘sworn companions’.

* Rurik (?830-879). Rurik and the Rus appear to have come from southern Sweden.

* That is, Veliky (Great) Novgorod, about 100 miles south and a little east of St Petersburg, and 300 miles northwest of Moscow. It should not be confused with Nizhny Novgorod, which lies east of Moscow and around 500 miles southeast of Veliky Novgorod. Rurik’s settlement was not made where Great Novgorod now stands, but a short distance up the River Volkhov by Lake Ilmen, at what is now an archaeological site known as Rurikovo Gorodische.

* Byelo-ozero means ‘white lake’ and is the old name for Belozersk in Belozersky District, Vologda Oblast, Russia. The town lies about 250 miles northeast of Veliky Novgorod, and 300 miles north of Moscow, on the southern shores of Lake Beloye.

* Isborsk (Izborsk) is a village in Pechorsky District of Pskov Oblast, Russia, about 140 miles west-southwest of Veliky Novgorod.


In 862, the squabbling Slavic clans of the southeastern Baltic decided to ask a Viking warlord, Rurik, to come and bring order to their land, knowing from experience how ruthless these Vikings could be. Rurik and two brothers duly left Rus in Scandinavia and settled at Novgorod, and it is from them that the land of Russia takes its name. (59 / 60 words)


From ‘The Russian Primary Chronicle’, as translated and abridged in ‘Russia: Its History and Condition’ (1910) by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919).

Suggested Music

Symphony No. 1 in E Major, Op. 5, ‘Slavonian’

4. Finale: Allegro

Alexander Glazunov (1865–1936)

Performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, conducted by Tadaaki Otaka.

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How To Use This Passage

You can use this passage to help improve your command of English.

IRead it aloud, twice or more. IISummarise it in one sentence of up to 30 words. IIISummarise it in one paragraph of 40-80 words. IVMake notes on the passage, and reconstruct the original from them later on. VJot down any unfamiliar words, and make your own sentences with them later. VIMake a note of any words that surprise or impress you, and ask yourself what meaning they add to the words you would have expected to see. VIITurn any old-fashioned English into modern English. VIIITurn prose into verse, and verse into prose. IXAsk yourself what the author is trying to get you to feel or think. XHow would an artist or a photographer capture the scene? XIHow would a movie director shoot it, or a composer write incidental music for it?

For these and more ideas, see How to Use The Copy Book.

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