
Political Extracts

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Modern History

The Machinery of State

Human beings should not be frantic cogs spinning away in the Government’s factory of Progress.

Modern History

Revolution and Reaction

John Buchan draws a distinction between political changes brought by violence and those brought by progress.

The First World War

Precision and Dispatch

The first setbacks for the German Empire in the Great War came courtesy of ANZAC troops.

Greek History

An Appeal to the Ladies of England

Manto Mavrogenous hoped that her fellow women might show more solidarity with Greece than many men had done.

Extracts from Literature

Equally Free

Sir Joshua Fitch urges Victorian society to let women make their own career choices – whatever they may be.

Extracts from Literature

Could Do Better

The Report of the Newcastle Commission confirmed that there were no Dotheboys Halls among Yorkshire’s private schools.