
Extracts from Literature

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Classical History

An Errand of Love

Leander recalls that first night when he dared the perilous waters of the Hellespont, and swam to meet his lover Hero.

Thomas Medwin

Byron Swims the Hellespont

Byron felt compelled to set the record straight after it was alleged that he had swum the Hellespont the easy way.

Scandinavian History

‘I Have No Quarrel With Any Man’

Magnus, Earl of Orkney, disappointed King Magnus of Norway by refusing to get involved in somebody else’s war.

Indian Myths

The Goat and the Lion

A herd of goats is threatened by a pride of lions, and it falls to one brave billy to face the danger alone.

Indian Myths

The Glow Worm and the Jackdaw

In this fable from India, a sly little insect teaches a jackdaw that all that glisters is not necessarily edible.

Classical History

The Night Vesuvius Blew

Pliny was only about nine when his uncle left to go and help rescue the terrified townspeople of Pompeii and Herculaneum.