

in The Copy Book

There are sixteen posts in The Copy Book tagged Anecdotes. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Shock and Awe

Fame found Abraham Lincoln before he was ready for the scrutiny of the camera.


The Right Words in the Wrong Order

Such was the reputation of the Prussian army in the days of the Frederick the Great that even foreigners wanted to join.


Tough Customer

A little anecdote about a schoolmaster who wasn’t as much of a Wackford Squeers as he appeared to be.


Left Holding the Baby

A gentleman travelling home from London by train reached his destination carrying more than he set out with.


Two Sly Foxes

Sir Nicholas L’Estrange recalls two astonishing eyewitness accounts of the resourcefulness the fox.


Translated from the Lattin

When William Shakespeare agreed to be godfather to Ben Jonson’s baby boy, he forgot that he would have to think of a gift for his christening.