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Tudor Era 35 posts Page 1 of 6

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Mediaeval History

The Voyage of John Cabot

On the Feast of St John the Baptist, June 24th, 1497, Venetian navigator John Cabot claimed North America for the King of England.

Length: 104 words

British National Character

The Tale of Robert Tomson

Robert Tomson was a typical Englishman and it nearly killed him, but it also made him a fortune and won him a bride.

Length: 113 words

Indian History

Seeds of Empire

The British Empire may be said to have started when Elizabethan importers got into a fight with the Dutch over the price of pepper.

Length: 117 words

Indian History

Sing Us a Song of Zion

The Sultan of Aceh in northern Sumatra welcomed his guests from Christian England with an unexpected gesture of friendship.

Length: 116 words

Tudor Era

An Admirable English Custom

Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus urged Fausto Andrelini not to miss out on England’s enchanting contribution to good manners.

Length: 59 words

Tudor Era

A Sight of Two Seas

In 1573, Sir Francis Drake had two ambitions: to revenge himself on the Spanish, and to see with his own eyes the Pacific Ocean.

Length: 117 words