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British National Character

An Invasion of Privacy

Perhaps European harmonisation would make life easier, but that would be only the beginning.

Length: 118 words

British National Character

Unsuitable for Export

Our peculiar brand of democracy and liberty is a noble thing, but we should be wary of recommending it to other countries.

Length: 119 words

British National Character

The Tale of Robert Tomson

Robert Tomson was a typical Englishman and it nearly killed him, but it also made him a fortune and won him a bride.

Length: 113 words

Character and Conduct

Through Russian Eyes

After a visit to England in 1847, Aleksey Khomyakov published his impressions of our country and our people in a Moscow magazine.

Length: 118 words

Extracts from Literature

Exit Lord Pudding

Piqued by the way French and German literati mocked the English, Charles Dickens urged his compatriots to be the better men.

Length: 113 words

Georgian Era

On Love of Country

Richard Price argued that the true patriot does not scold other countries for being worse than his own; he inspires his own country to be better than it is.

Length: 114 words