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Mediaeval History 150 posts Page 1 of 25

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Mediaeval History

The Voyage of John Cabot

On the Feast of St John the Baptist, June 24th, 1497, Venetian navigator John Cabot claimed North America for the King of England.

Length: 104 words

Mediaeval History

Isabella Calls Time

The Despensers ensured that King Edward II never left their sight, but it was what Queen Isabella was doing that should have worried them.

Length: 110 words

Mediaeval History

The Battle of Bannockburn

Edward II hoped to outshine his famous father by bringing Scotland under the English crown, but Robert the Bruce was ready for him.

Length: 172 words

Mediaeval History

Fatal Distraction

Edward II was given the crown of England on condition that he had nothing more to do with Piers Gaveston, and he did not keep his word.

Length: 119 words

The Hundred Years’ War

The Siege of Saint-James

Henry VI’s campaign to confirm himself as King of France looked to be in trouble after the Duke of Brittany switched sides.

Length: 117 words

Mediaeval History

The Harrying of the North

Charles Dickens laments William the Conqueror’s brutal rampage through rebellious Durham and Yorkshire.

Length: 111 words