Mini Copy Book
The United States of America 19 posts Page 1 of 4

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American Civil War

‘If They Can Stand It I Can’

However loud his critics shouted their disapproval, Abraham Lincoln would neither deprive them of free speech nor change his opinions.

Length: 59 words

American Revolutionary War

Lady Harriet’s Errand

On the evening of October 7th, 1777, as fighting on Bemis Heights subsided, Harriet Acland came to General Burgoyne with a startling request.

Length: 113 words

Canadian History

My Long Walk to Beaver Dams

A ‘slight and delicate’ Canadian woman defied twenty miles of rugged terrain in sweltering heat to warn of an impending attack by American invaders.

Length: 115 words

Animal Stories

The Serum Run

Twenty teams of dogs ran a life-or-death race against time over Alaska’s frozen trails to bring medicines to desperately sick children.

Length: 59 words

Free Speech and Conscience

A Right and a Duty

The tighter the US Government’s stranglehold on dissent grew, the harder Daniel Webster fought for freedom of speech.

Length: 117 words

American Civil War

A Letter to the President

Two years into America’s Civil War, cotton workers in Manchester defied current opinion among politicians and the press, and pledged their support to the Union.

Length: 58 words