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American Civil War 8 posts Page 1 of 2

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American Civil War

‘If They Can Stand It I Can’

However loud his critics shouted their disapproval, Abraham Lincoln would neither deprive them of free speech nor change his opinions.

Length: 59 words

American Civil War

A Letter to the President

Two years into America’s Civil War, cotton workers in Manchester defied current opinion among politicians and the press, and pledged their support to the Union.

Length: 58 words

American Civil War

Sublime Christian Heroism

In replying to a letter of support from Manchester’s cotton workers, US President Lincoln showed how deeply touched he had been.

Length: 58 words

American Civil War

John Brown of Osawatomie

Shortly before the American Civil War, an attack by pro-slavery militants on the city of Lawrence prompted John Brown to try to clean up Kansas.

Length: 117 words

American Civil War

The Gettysburg Address

Following a decisive victory in the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln urged his supporters to make sure that liberty’s advantage was not squandered.

Length: 112 words

American Civil War

The Battle of Gettysburg

Two years into the American Civil War, the Union army responded to a dispiriting defeat at Chancellorsville with a decisive and historic victory at Gettysburg.

Length: 115 words