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Free Speech and Conscience 21 posts Page 1 of 4

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Free Speech and Conscience

Who Can Refute a Sneer?

Clever people have realised that it is easier to get people on your side by mockery than by persuasion.

Length: 56 words

Free Speech and Conscience

Question More

Ordinary people put too much faith in the judgment of experts, which is bad for us and bad for the experts.

Length: 118 words

Free Speech and Conscience

Order and Method

Taking the trouble to express ourselves more clearly helps us to think more clearly too.

Length: 59 words

American Civil War

‘If They Can Stand It I Can’

However loud his critics shouted their disapproval, Abraham Lincoln would neither deprive them of free speech nor change his opinions.

Length: 59 words

Liberty and Prosperity

The Boldness of Junius Mauricus

Pliny admired Julius Mauricus because he spoke his mind, and Emperor Nerva because he let him.

Length: 119 words

Free Speech and Conscience

Of Hares, Hounds and Red Herrings

In January 1807, newspapers breathlessly reported that Napoleon Bonaparte’s rampage across Europe was at an end — but was it true?

Length: 171 words