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American Revolutionary War 6 posts

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American Revolutionary War

Lady Harriet’s Errand

On the evening of October 7th, 1777, as fighting on Bemis Heights subsided, Harriet Acland came to General Burgoyne with a startling request.

Length: 113 words

American Revolutionary War

English Spirit

Edmund Burke told the House of Commons that the American colonies’ refusal to be dictated to by Westminster was the very spirit that had made the Empire great.

Length: 119 words

American Revolutionary War

English Spirit

Edmund Burke told the House of Commons that the American colonies’ refusal to be dictated to by Westminster was the very spirit that had made the Empire great.

Length: 119 words

American Revolutionary War

A Declaration of Independence

On July 4th, 1776, a group of American colonists gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to present delegates of the Thirteen Colonies with a historic document.

Length: 58 words

Stories in Short

The Tale of Rip van Winkle

A hen-pecked, ne’er-do-well farmer from New York took off into the Catskill Mountains, and fell in with some very odd company.

Length: 117 words

American Revolutionary War

The Battle of Flamborough Head

When captain Richard Pearson of the Royal Navy surrendered to American revolutionary John Paul Jones, Jones naturally assumed that meant he had won.

Length: 59 words