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The Last Gladiator The people of Rome suddenly turned their back on centuries of ‘sport’ - all because of one harmless old man.
AD 401
Roman Empire (Byzantine Era) 330 - 1453
Music: Muzio Clementi

© Gobbler, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0. Source

About this picture …

The infamous Colosseum in Rome today. It was here that a mild-mannered monk met his death - and challenged the morals of an Empire. © Roberto Larcher, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0.

The Last Gladiator
After Alaric the Goth’s assault on Rome was successfully turned back, victory games were held in the Roman Colosseum on January 1st, 404. As usual, they quickly descended into savagery.

THE Victory Games began harmlessly enough, but soon the gladiators leapt into the arena. Death was all around, while happy crowds punched the air and shouted themselves hoarse.

Suddenly, a frail old man in a tattered robe ran onto the sandy floor, pushing the giant gladiators apart, pleading with them to stop their madness.

The spectators rose as one man against this self-righteous spoilsport, this enemy of fun, and cheered as sword and stone battered him into the sand.

But in a blink of an eye, the mood changed. Someone had recognised him, as a monk from the Greek east on a pilgrimage, a man even the most thoughtless respected.

One broken body troubled and troubled this generation, as tens of thousands had never troubled the generations before it.

So when Emperor Honorius, a Christian, decreed that gladiators would never step into that arena again, Rome made no protest. Where so many had died before, no man ever died again.


In 5th century Rome, some pagan customs continued, and one of them was gladiator contests. One day, a monk ran into the Colosseum and tried to stop a fight, but the crowd turned on him and killed him. The shameful event changed public opinion, and soon the Emperor, a Christian, was able to ban the fights forever. (57 / 60 words)


Based on an account in ‘A Book of Golden Deeds’, by Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901), though the story comes originally from Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus in Syria in the 5th century.

Suggested Music

Symphony No. 1 in C Major

1: Larghetto - Allegro

Muzio Clementi (1752-1832)

Played by the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Francesco d’Avalos.

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