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Cuthbert, the Eagle and the Fish St Cuthbert reminds a young monk that the labourer is worthy of her hire.
AD 664
Anglo-Saxon Britain 410-1066
Music: Gerald Finzi

© Rob Farrow, Geograph. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

About this picture …

A White-tailed Sea Eagle or Erne (Haliaeetus albicilla) near Portree on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Closer examination will show that she has her white tail towards us, and that she is carrying a fish.

Cuthbert, the Eagle and the Fish
Cuthbert made a habit of walking to outlying villages to preach the Good News. These trips took him away from his monastery in Ripon to some lonely spots over many days, and his trainee companions often found them hard going.

ON the way home after one especially arduous preaching tour on foot, Cuthbert’s young companion was relieved to hear him raise the subject of food. “I have been thinking about that” said the lad anxiously. “It’s a long way back. We brought nothing to eat, and made no inquiries about inns.”

Cuthbert glanced at him. “You must learn to have faith, my boy. Look there,” he added, pointing to an eagle flying above the river. “Even she might feed us, if God wished it.” Presently, they saw the eagle standing on the bank with something at her feet. “Run and see what she has for us” said Cuthbert.

The lad soon came back with a handsome fish. “What!” cried Cuthbert. “Have you not left half for our maidservant?” When this was mended, they continued their journey. Almost at once, they came to a village, where Cuthbert had the fish broiled, and shared it with everyone.

Miracles of St Cuthbert Next: A Tale of Two Springs


St Cuthbert and a companion were a long way from their monastery, and the saint’s companion began to worry about food. Cuthbert suggested a far-off eagle might help, and indeed she did, providing a fish. Cuthbert gave half to the eagle for her trouble, and shared out the rest at the next village they came to. (56 / 60 words)


Based on The Life of St Cuthbert by St Bede of Jarrow (672-735).

Suggested Music

Three Bagatelles

3: Forlana

Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)

Performed by Robert Plane (clarinet) with the Northern Sinfonia, conducted by Howard Griffiths.

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