
The Regency

in The Copy Book

There are twenty-four posts in The Copy Book tagged The Regency. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Émilie’s Plan

The night before the Comte de Lavalette was to be executed, his wife Émilie came to visit him with a proposal that left him speechless.


The First Steam Whistle

After an accident at a level crossing, the bosses of the Leicester and Swannington Railway acknowledged that drivers needed more than lung power.


Byron Swims the Hellespont

Byron felt compelled to set the record straight after it was alleged that he had swum the Hellespont the easy way.


My Long Walk to Beaver Dams

A ‘slight and delicate’ Canadian woman defied twenty miles of rugged terrain in sweltering heat to warn of an impending attack by American invaders.


Surrey vs Hampshire

‘Rain stopped play’ but it did not stop the ladies of Surrey and Hampshire from finishing their epic struggle at the Newington ground.


A Right and a Duty

The tighter the US Government’s stranglehold on dissent grew, the harder Daniel Webster fought for freedom of speech.