
Samuel Pepys

in The Copy Book

There are four posts in The Copy Book tagged Samuel Pepys. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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How the Pepyses Kept Twelfth Day

In the family of Samuel Pepys, the Feast of the Epiphany was kept with music, cake and quaint traditions.


Recollections of Slavery

Samuel Pepys ran into a little knot of seafaring men at the Exchange, who told him some hair-raising tales about their time in Algiers.


Interview with a Shepherd

After getting lost on a woodland walk and spraining his ankle, Samuel Pepys felt amply compensated when he stumbled across a flock of sheep.


The Royal Oak

In 1680, Samuel Pepys sat down with Charles II to record how, many years before, a bold double-bluff saved the King from Cromwell’s men.