
Norman Era 16 posts Page 1 of 3


Norman Era

Home from Home

In Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire, a man from Kent founded a glittering church for English refugees.

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for Norman Era

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Norman Era

One Vast Heap of Booty

Embarrassed by the behaviour of his Norman bishops and abbots, King William I asked monk Guitmond to come over and set an example.

Norman Era

The Better Man

Two monks vying for the abbot’s chair at one of England’s prestigious monasteries each promised King William Rufus handsome rewards for his favour.

Anglo-Saxon Era

The Conversion of Norway

Kings of Norway educated in England drew on the experience of English clergy to establish Christianity in their own land.

Scottish History

St Margaret of Scotland

When Malcolm III, King of Scots, met Princess Margaret of Wessex, he knew at once that he had found a woman capable of setting an example to a whole nation.

Norman Era

The Voyage of Sigurd

Back in the eleventh century English refugees founded New York, but it wasn’t in North America.

Norman Era

Home from Home

In Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire, a man from Kent founded a glittering church for English refugees.