
Common Sense

in The Copy Book

There are eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Common Sense. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Strong Speech

Ralph Waldo Emerson traced a common thread running throughout English literature.


Proverbs of the Northmen

Among the oldest surviving fragments of Norse poetry are some lines of rugged common sense which any age would do well to heed.


The Gods of the Copybook Headings

After the devastation of the Great War, calls rose for a new economic and social system, and to put the wisdom of our forebears behind us.


‘To Thine Own Self Be True’

Standing on the dockside with Laertes, who is eager to board ship for Paris, Polonius takes a moment to share some fatherly wisdom.


The Letter of the Law

After witnessing a bus conductor’s battle of wills with the London public, journalist Alfred Gardiner felt obliged to give him a little advice.


‘Never Trust Experts’

Lord Salisbury seeks to calm the Viceroy of India’s nerves in the face of anti-Russian hysteria.