Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Quiet Revolutionary

As Viceroy of India, Lord Ripon was rather more popular with the people of India than he was with some of his own civil servants.


The Righting of Wrongs

John Bright MP urged a critic of the British Raj to offer India more than fine words.


Big Hitter

Meriel Talbot’s distinguished career in government came as no surprise to those who had seen her at the wicket.


Daw Chorus

Composer Ethel Smyth starts telling the Archbishop of Canterbury a joke, and then wishes she hadn’t...


The Princes in the Tower

Sir Thomas More gives his explanation for the mysterious disappearance of King Richard III’s nephews.


A Real Soldier

Major-General Charles Napier, given the task of policing a Chartist rally in Manchester, was alarmed to hear the protestors had brought the big guns - literally.